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The Bank of Vincent and the Grenadines Ltd wishes to acknowledge that the artistic works, “Daily Traders” and “The Melody Makers” which form a part of the “Island Life” series of paintings, and which were reproduced on its debit cards are the original work of Gary Peters.
Gary Peters is an Artist who thinks that the greatest treasures about the island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines is the beauty of its people, the simplicity of the way of life and the warmth of its traditions.
This is the main source of inspiration for a series of paintings depicting the Vincentian component of the people of the Caribbean and their way of life. Peters believes that in order for us to be proud of ourselves we must embrace what is uniquely ours, we must continue to pay homage to our people and constantly appreciate the ‘everyday folks’ who tirelessly work towards the enrichment of our identity, and the strengthening of our civilization.
The Farmers, fishermen, market vendors, our women, children, and our religion are a few of the themes in the paintings created by Peters. “This is my contribution to the ennobling of our Heritage” he states.